How can I find the hotel's contact information?
Basic information for a hotel can be found on the Hotel Description Page associated specifically with that hotel. TravelStay provides full contact information for the accommodation within your confirmation email at the time of booking. This includes the complete address and contact telephone number. In fact, your booking confirmation will look like this: Please print and show upon [...]
What information do I need to make a booking?
TravelStay does everything that it can to make the booking process as easy as possible. As such, we require only a few things after logging onto the website at Of course, you will need to know the exact dates that you are looking to stay (arrival and departure), the number of guests that will be staying, and either a specific hotel or area that you prefer to stay. Once [...]
Can I park at this accommodation?
TravelStay offers hundreds of hotels, bed and breakfasts, and other accommodation across the Greater London area. However, only a limited number of inexpensive hotels offer parking facilities are their accommodations. Click Here to search for hotels with parking facilities. (You can select either "Parking" or "Free Parking Offer" from the drop-down box; This can be found under Hotel Type in [...]
How do I search for a particular location or type of accommodation?
TravelStay gives you numerous options to enable you to search our website for accommodation. Check out our new and improved homepage at You can search by: 1) City Looking for a stay other than in London? See what availability we have for Glasgow, Edinburgh, Durham or any other city worldwide! 2) Hotel Type Select a specific HOTEL TYPE (e.g. 3 or 4 Star [...]
How do I cancel my booking?
We’re sorry to hear that you need to cancel your booking. The team at TravelStay is here to help in any way we can, and we’ve put together this guide to show you how to cancel or change your booking.There are 3 different ways to cancel your booking:1) Via the My Booking page;2) By clicking the link on your booking confirmation email;3) By calling our Customer Service Centre during our [...]
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