Hotel Directions
I may be lost. How can I get directions to my hotel?
TravelStay wants you to find your hotel without any complications and so we provide several ways for you to get this information. However, sometimes the best thing to do is to call the accommodation directly using the contact details provided to you in your Booking Confirmation. But, if you want to see those details that TravelStay provides, look for this information:
- Hotelier Page link: At the bottom of the page you will find directions via various means to the accommodation
- Maps - Another part of this llink above will take you to a map that will show you where your accommodation is located.
- Address - One thing that can make locating your hotel easy is to use mapping software to figure out where to go. A couple of these options include Google Maps or TFL Journey Planner. With your postcode and current location, these mapping programs can give you directions (whether walking, driving, or using public transportation).
Of course, if this information is not sufficient, give the hotel a call. They are right there and will know the best ways for you to find them.
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