Booking Details
What information do I need to make a booking?
TravelStay does everything that it can to make the booking process as easy as possible. As such, we require only a few things after logging onto the website at
Of course, you will need to know the exact dates that you are looking to stay (arrival and departure), the number of guests that will be staying, and either a specific hotel or area that you prefer to stay. Once you have determined this, you are ready to book your stay.
Let's take a look at the Book Page!
You will notice several blank fields. You will need to fill these out. Under Enter Contact Details, please enter the following:
- Email Address (in which to send your Booking Confirmation) - Don't have an email address? Check out the following link! Help Page: Booking Confirmation - No Email Address
- Title (Mr., Mrs., Miss, Ms., Dr.)
- First Name (of the lead guest staying)
- Last Name (of the lead guest staying)
- Phone Number (including country code, if booking from outside of the UK)
- Arrival Time (if you know it) - **Please review the Hotel Description to identify the standard Check-In times. (Early check-ins may not be possible. Hotels not having 24-hour reception will have restrictions on check-in hours. Be sure to review all details associated with this accommodation before booking.)
- Special Requests : This is a request that may not be able to be guaranteed. If you require specific assistance, please contact our Customer Service Centre at +44 (0)203 696 0210. (All arrival times prior to a hotel's standard arrival time are considered a Special Request.)
- Promotional Code : If you have a promotional code for your booking. click on this link and enter your code to receive your Cash Back. (For more information on the usage of promotional codes, check out the following Help Page: Promotional Codes)
Under Enter Payment Details, please enter the following:
- Type of Card
- Card Number
- Name of Cardholder
- Expiry Date
- Security Code
Don't forget to review your overall costs and deposit amounts. Then, take a moment and review the Booking Policy and Terms and Conditions, then tick the box beside "I accept the Booking Policy" if you agree with and accept these terms.
When everything is completed, press the big Book Now button and get your Instant Confirmation!
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